Squats To Increase Vertical Jump. The 80 1RM squat yielded over 15 inches of improvement. A stronger athlete who can produce higher levels of Power. Do not jump off of it. You need to squat at least 15x your bodyweight.
In fact the heavier the squat the greater the improvement. When it comes to increasing your strength. Partial squats actually decrease rate of force development. Unloaded jumps typically require only 60-120 seconds rest between sets. Performing a Vertical Jump but only after holding the bottom squat position. The plyometric and basketball-specific jumps would be unloaded.
So we now know how to develop variable number one - force output.
Using the squat to make you jump higher is extremely effective. Deadlifts work really well on your posterior chain. Deep squats improve vertical jump height. In one study of volleyball players 4 weeks of EMS and jump training resulted in increase of 21 in squat jump height. The amount of force production times velocity will jump higher. My athletes perform this exercise once a week for 3 weeks before being tested in the vertical jump.