Purospher Star Rp 18 Equivalent Column. 4906151 72-2440 EMD Millipore Corporation 290 Concord Road Billerica MA 01821 USA 1-978-715-4321. Furthermore meticulous care is given to quality control over all aspects of silica structure and chemistry. Basic neutral and metal-chelating compounds can easily be separated with simple mobile phases naturally without peak tailing. Find Supelco-150242 MSDS related peer-reviewed papers technical documents similar products more at Sigma-Aldrich.
Superspher RP-18 Purospher RP-18. Basic neutral and metal-chelating compounds can easily be separated with simple mobile phases naturally without peak tailing. In contrast Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped RP-8 endcapped and Phenyl columns still perform perfectly with 100 aqueous mobile phases. Purospher RP-18 endcapped YMC-Pack Pro C18 RS YMC-Triart C18 ExRS Purospher RP-18 HC YMC-Pack ODS-AL Purospher STAR NH2 YMC-Pack NH2 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped YMC-Pack ODS-AQ YMC-Triart C18 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped UHPLC YMC-Triart C18 Purospher STAR RP-8 encapped YMC-Pack Pro C8 YMC-Triart C8 Purospher STAR Si YMC-Pack. Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped HPLC columns are designed for universal use. PUROSPHER STAR RP-18 ENCAPPED 5 MYM HIBAR 125-4 HPLC COLUMN.
Its outstanding performance and stability allows a maximum flexibility in method development.
Thanks to its outstanding performance and stability Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped offers maximum flexibility in method development. APS 2 Amino. Purospher RP-18 HC 5µm VDSpher PUR 100 C18-NE 5µm lower pore volume lower surface area shorter retention expected Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped 3µm VDSpher PUR 100 C18-M-SE 3µm lower pore volume higher carbon load longer retention expected Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped 5µm VDSpher PUR 100 C18-M-SE 5µm lower pore volume. Even at a higher temperature the long-term stability test for efficiency and retention over 15000 column volumes clearly demonstrates the excellent stability of Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped columns. The base silica of Purospher STAR columns is 99999 pure. The compounds were separated on a Purospher STAR RP-18 encapped Hibar column 25046 mm 5 μm Merck Darmstadt Germany with the mobile phase consisting of solvent A acetonitrile and solvent B 01.