Edfa Noise Figure Vs Input Power. Finally the Eye Diagram and Min BER has been generated for the best Pump Power performance. Output power calculated is in the range of 15 to 25dBm while the noise figure varied between 437 to 724 dBm. This laser light is mixed with the input optical signal by using a device called WDM wavelength division multiplexing coupler. As there is significant amplifier gain amplified spontaneous emission ASE must be included.
A large signal input power is considered in this case since high signal input helps to produce high output power which is necessary to boosterpower amplifiers. At low input power the total output power is mostly amplified spontaneous emission ASE. These results will benefits the optimization of the analog optical amplifier by providing the. It can be seen from the figure that the noise figure decreases with increasing pump power. As a consequence moderate gain will be observed in this case. At small amplifier gain the minimum achievable noise figure for the complete L- band exceeds F C by up to 35 dB.
It was found that pump to signal modulation index increases with signal power saturation rising to a maximum and then decreasing as EDFAs become deeply saturated.
The EDFA100S is a single mode EDFA with minimal sensitivity to the light polarization while the EFDA100P is a polarization-maintaining EDFA that only. Length 162m is used. It can be shown that the noise factor F remains unchanged if the signal-to-noise ratio are related to the electric power after the opto-electric conversion. The low noise figure requirement of EDFAs is not so critical in this case because an increase in NF can be tolerated. Analyzing the gain optical signal to noise ratio and noise figure spectrum for the EDFA under different pump powers it was concluded that the pump power of 075 W gives better results. We also discuss the noise figure NF as a function of inversion parameter n sp for different wavelengths at C plus L band regions.