Antifade Mounting Medium Invitrogen. It contains chemical components designed to protect fluorescent dyes from fading photobleaching during fluorescence microscopy experiments and delivers this protection without significantly quenching the initial fluorescence signal. ProLong Gold antifade mountant has become a widely used antifade reagent for our Invitrogen high-performance fluorescent dyes and stains because it preserves signal across the entire visible spectrum and causes little or no quenching of the initial signal. Novus Biologicals H1200NB Catalog No. Anti-fade mounting medium with DAPI for visualizing the nuclei Invitrogen.
After approximately 15 minutes at room temperature the mounting medium will harden the coverslip will become immobilized and optimal antifade ability and refractive index of 146 will be achieved. Sections were washed with PBS and mounted on Fisher Superfrost polarized slides and coverslipped with Prolong Antifade mounting medium Invitrogen. Novus Biologicals VECTASHIELD R Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI is a unique stable formula for preserving fluorescence. Immunostained sections were examined under epifluorescent illumination and digital images of each section were obtained. It is formulated without DNA stain or with the blue DNA stain DAPI or with the deep red DNA stain SYTOX Deep Red. You only need three things from a fluorescence mounting mediait should buffer your sample and fluorophores prevent photobleaching and have a high refractive index.
ProLong Gold mountant is available with or without DAPI nuclear stain.
ProLong Gold mountant is available with or without DAPI nuclear stain. Anti-fade mounting medium with DAPI for visualizing the nuclei Invitrogen. It is formulated without DNA stain or with the blue DNA stain DAPI or with the deep red DNA stain SYTOX Deep Red. Sections were washed with PBS and mounted on Fisher Superfrost polarized slides and coverslipped with Prolong Antifade mounting medium Invitrogen. The samples were covered with Prolong gold mounting medium containing DAPI Invitrogen catalog no. ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant is a liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples on microscope slides.